FORMOSA WOK-皮膜處理pan factory-Carbon steel



Formosa-for professional culinary arist
1.The color of Formosa is from the original color of the Material-Black steel, not the coating.
2.The solid bottom of the pan is suitable for high-heat cooking
3.The pan heats easily and cooking can be done qiuickly.
4.While cooking the pan releases FE++ which is very Good for health.
5.Formosa will become more and more useful after long-term use.
6.Metal utensils can be used.
Item NO : G-P26 /Size : 26cm

馹豐開發有限公司 Topware enterprises co.

  • 06-2310556
  • 06-232-1278
  • 台南市永康區東橋里中山南路471巷7弄9之1號
  • No. 9, Aly. 7, Ln. 471, Zhongshan S. Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
2020© Copyright All Rights Reserved 蘋果網頁設計
專營皮膜處理、Carbon steel、pan factory,提供各種金屬塗裝前之化成皮膜處理藥劑,及塗裝相關配套產品,如剝漆劑、噴房水洗牆專用潤滑劑等,效果優異,此皮膜處理是將工件浸漬於不含六價鉻的無機鹽溶液中,在表面形成一膜厚均勻、細緻的氧化皮膜。為朝向綠色環保製程邁進,本公司以高品質方式製作。